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ODU Calendar

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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Preview Day
Class Cancellations
Student Senate General Body Meeting
Noon Mass
10pm Mass - Aquinas
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
Lunchtime Focus Group
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
ODU's Got Talent
Alumni Career Partners Lunch: Govt, Politics & Law
Evening with the PA Program
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
St. Catherine of Siena Lecture
Interfaith Prayer Service
Class Cancellations
Stations of the Cross

Mass - Palm Sunday
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
Faculty-Staff Interactive Workshop
Student Senate General Body Meeting
10pm Mass - Aquinas
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
Faculty-Staff Interactive Workshop
Conversations with Entrepreneurs
Class Cancellations
Noon Mass
Poetry Reading for National Poetry Month
ODU Closed - Easter Weekend
Spangler Closed
ODU Closed - Easter Weekend
Spangler Closed
ODU Closed - Easter Weekend
Spangler Closed
ODU Closed - Easter Weekend
Spangler Closed
Abstract Deadline for Research Symposium Day
Spangler Special Hours
ALSA Make & Break Pinata
Soup and Scripture
Adult & Continuing Education Info Session
Underground Railroad Presentation
ELS Sendoff Party!
Underground Railroad Historical Marker Unveiling
4 pm Mass of Thanksgiving for Peter Cimbolic
Lunchtime Focus Group
MBA Program Networking Event
Cultural Fashion Show & International Food Fest
Class Cancellations
Student Farewell Reception for President Cimbolic
Faculty Staff Farewell Reception for Dr. Cimbolic
Panther Players Present: High School Musical
Panther Players Present: High School Musical
Panther Krazies Baseball Game
Class Cancellations
Student Senate General Body Meeting
Kickin' and Proppin' in the Residence Halls
Step Up! Workshop for all Students
Class Cancellations
Kickin' and Proppin' in the Residence Halls
Shakespeare's Birthday Trivia
Step Up! Workshop for all Students
Class Cancellations
Soup and Scripture
Recruitment Table: Vector Marketing
Class Cancellations
Panther Players Present: High School Musical
Instructional Design Workshop
Faculty and Staff Lunch and Learn
Memorial Mass for Fr. Pat Sheridan
Class Cancellations
Center of Dominican Studies Coffee & Doughnuts
Panther Players Present: High School Musical
Panther Players Present: High School Musical
Sua Sponte 5 Miler
From the Halls of Wehrle: 2017 Senior Exhibition
Mass at 4:30 p.m.
University Concert and Jazz Band Spring Concert
Spangler Extended Hours

Scheduled Events

Class Cancellations
DescriptionThe following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:FIN-310-01 Investments
Instructor:Daniel Martin
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017 - 04/06/2017
Class Begin Time:09:30AM
Class End Time:10:50AM
Course Days:T,TH between 09:30AM and 10:50AM
Additional Information:
On account of my daughter's birth, classes will be cancelled for this week. We will pick up where we left off on April 11th. Best, DM

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:FIN-325-01 Managerial Finance
Instructor:Daniel Martin
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017 - 04/06/2017
Class Begin Time:11:00AM
Class End Time:12:20PM
Course Days:T,TH between 11:00AM and 12:20PM
Additional Information:
On account of my daughter's birth, classes will be cancelled for this week. We will pick up where we left off on April 11th. Best, DM

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:PRS-201-01 Contmp Iss Reput Mgmt:PR Prin
Instructor:Natalie Kompa
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017
Class Begin Time:09:30AM
Class End Time:10:50AM
Course Days:T,TH between 09:30AM and 10:50AM
Additional Information:
Class cancelled today; thanks to allergies, I have no voice (and feel lousy). Use the time to work on your final projects/catch up on readings.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:PRS-329-01 Power-Packed Writing for PR
Instructor:Natalie Kompa
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017
Class Begin Time:11:00AM
Class End Time:12:20PM
Course Days:T,TH between 11:00AM and 12:20PM
Additional Information:
Class cancelled today; thanks to allergies, I have no voice (and feel lousy). See PantherLearn/your email for assignment directions.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:HST-111-01 Western Civilization II
Instructor:Anne Connon
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017
Class Begin Time:12:30PM
Class End Time:01:50PM
Course Days:T,TH between 12:30PM and 01:50PM
Additional Information:
A reminder that HST111 Western Civilization II is cancelled today due to professor giving paper at an overseas conference. Please use this time to go through the readings for the document study assignment (due in May). Class will resume on Thursday April 6th. Thank you.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:BUS-270-01 Integrated Marketing Communica
Instructor:Natalie Kompa
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017
Class Begin Time:12:30PM
Class End Time:01:50PM
Course Days:T,TH between 12:30PM and 01:50PM
Additional Information:
Class cancelled today; thanks to allergies, I have no voice (and feel lousy). Use the time to work on your final projects/catch up on chapter readings. I will post team meeting times for Thursday on PantherLearn.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:PRS-270-01 Integrated Marketing Communic
Instructor:Natalie Kompa
Cancellation Dates:04/04/2017
Class Begin Time:12:30PM
Class End Time:01:50PM
Course Days:T,TH between 12:30PM and 01:50PM
Additional Information:
Class cancelled today; thanks to allergies, I have no voice (and feel lousy). Use the time to work on your final projects/catch up on chapter readings. I will post team meeting times for Thursday on PantherLearn.

Noon Mass
DescriptionNoon in Christ the King Chapel

Lunchtime Focus Group
DescriptionThe Instructional Design staff will host informal lunchtime focus groups throughout spring semester to provide an opportunity for faculty and staff to discuss solutions and strategies to address specific teaching, learning and technology problems. Noon - 1 p.m. | Spangler Learning Center, room 304 Jan. 27 - "How can using pre-assessment better prepare your students for class?" Feb. 2 - "How can you successfully implement active learning strategies in your class?" Feb. 15 - "How can you improve student class presentations?" Feb. 24 - "What do you do when your classroom technology/devices are not working?" March 9 - "What are the best ways to communicate with your students?" March 20 - "How to use PantherLearn to supplement your face-to-face class?" April 4 - "How to incorporate your student’s technology devices in your lessons?" April 20 - "How to use PantherLearn to showcase student work?" May 3 - "How to supplement your course using publisher content?" The group responses will be collected and presented on formal posters that will be displayed in Sansbury Hall and the Spangler Learning Center.

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