Scheduled Events

Class Cancellations
DescriptionThe following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:CORE-179J-01 CORE:The Great Debate
Instructor:Brian Besong
Cancellation Dates:08/28/2018
Class Begin Time:09:30AM
Class End Time:10:50AM
Course Days:T,TH between 09:30AM and 10:50AM
Additional Information:
Baby's coming! Continue to read on schedule and we will catch up in course discussion.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:PHL-224-01 Philosophy of Religion
Instructor:Brian Besong
Cancellation Dates:08/28/2018
Class Begin Time:12:30PM
Class End Time:01:50PM
Course Days:T,TH between 12:30PM and 01:50PM
Additional Information:
Baby's coming! Continue to read on schedule and we will catch up in course discussion.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:PHL-224-02 Philosophy of Religion
Instructor:Brian Besong
Cancellation Dates:08/28/2018
Class Begin Time:02:00PM
Class End Time:03:20PM
Course Days:T,TH between 02:00PM and 03:20PM
Additional Information:
Baby's coming! Continue to read on schedule and we will catch up in course discussion.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:ENG-110-08 College Writing I
Instructor:Daniel Lehman
Cancellation Dates:08/28/2018
Class Begin Time:09:30AM
Class End Time:10:50AM
Course Days:T,TH between 09:30AM and 10:50AM
Additional Information:
ENG 110-08 will not meet in person on Tuesday, Aug. 28, so that students will have time to complete a full-length diagnostic essay as a baseline for the course. Please refer to the written assignment handed out in class on Thursday, Aug. 23, check the PantherLearn content page for the assignment, or email the instructor at The instructor will pick up the diagnostic paper at the beginning of class on Thursday, Aug. 30. We will meet as scheduled on Thursday in Spangler 201 as well as every other regularly assigned class period during the course. Thank you. -- Dr. Dan Lehman

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