Scheduled Events | Class Cancellations | | 04/08/2019 | | The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s). | Course Name: | | Instructor: | Kathleen Riley | Cancellation Dates: | 04/08/2019 | Class Begin Time: | | Class End Time: | | Course Days: | between and | Additional Information: | Class is cancelled due to a bad reaction to my antibiotic - catch up on your reading: transition from WWII to the Cold War. |
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s). | Course Name: | | Instructor: | Kathleen Riley | Cancellation Dates: | 04/08/2019 | Class Begin Time: | | Class End Time: | | Course Days: | between and | Additional Information: | CLass is cancelled due to illness (bad reaction to an antibiotic)- catch up on your reading and finish your Miscamble book reviews(not all were handed in on time last Friday). |
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s). | Course Name: | | Instructor: | Rebecca Morton | Cancellation Dates: | 04/08/2019 | Class Begin Time: | | Class End Time: | | Course Days: | between and | Additional Information: | I will see you on Wednesday. |
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