Scheduled Events

Class Cancellations
DescriptionThe following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:John Blubaugh
Cancellation Dates:02/15/2024
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Due to illness, class is canceled for today. Please review the last slides for WWI and the slides on the Roaring 1920s in preparation for next Tuesday's Exam #2. Use the study guide handout to review the identification terms and essay questions.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:John Blubaugh
Cancellation Dates:02/15/2024
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Due to illness, class is canceled for today. We will begin our focus on LBJ and the Great Society next Tuesday. Please e-mail your research paper topics today and begin searching for secondary sources.

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