Scheduled Events

Class Cancellations
DescriptionThe following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Kimberly Miller
Cancellation Dates:03/06/2014
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Remember no class this evening but your inclusion paper is due by the end of the class period 6:00 p.m. on Angel.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Anne Connon
Cancellation Dates:03/06/2014
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Reminder that class is cancelled as I will be giving a paper at a conference. Please continue working on your document studies.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Kimberly Miller
Cancellation Dates:03/06/2014
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Remember no class today as stated on the syllabus. I will be in my office 125 Sansbury if there are any questions about the Management Plan or the Environment Plan.

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