Scheduled Events

Class Cancellations
DescriptionThe following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Kathleen Riley
Cancellation Dates:04/08/2019
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
Class is cancelled due to a bad reaction to my antibiotic - catch up on your reading: transition from WWII to the Cold War.

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Kathleen Riley
Cancellation Dates:04/08/2019
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
CLass is cancelled due to illness (bad reaction to an antibiotic)- catch up on your reading and finish your Miscamble book reviews(not all were handed in on time last Friday).

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Course Name:
Instructor:Rebecca Morton
Cancellation Dates:04/08/2019
Class Begin Time:
Class End Time:
Course Days: between and
Additional Information:
I will see you on Wednesday.

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