Scheduled Events
Class Cancellations
The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Instructor: Sonya Goshe
Cancellation Date(s): 08/27/2020

Hello class, My daughter is ill. I will not be holding class today. Please review chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook and begin formulating your project ideas. Have a safe and healthy weekend, Dr. Goshe

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Instructor: Sonya Goshe
Cancellation Date(s): 08/27/2020

Hello class, My daughter is ill. I will not be holding class today. Please review chapters 1 in your textbook and begin formulating your project ideas. Have a safe and healthy weekend, Dr. Goshe

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Instructor: Sonya Goshe
Cancellation Date(s): 08/27/2020

Hello class, My daughter is ill. I will not be holding class today. Please review the intro and chapter 1 in Nolan, and chapter 1 in Henry and Lanier on rational choice theory. You may also use the time to work on your paper topic/research. Have a safe and healthy weekend, Dr. Goshe

The following class has been cancelled for the given day(s).
Instructor: Sonya Goshe
Cancellation Date(s): 08/27/2020

Good morning, My daughter is ill. I will not be holding class today. Please review chapters 1 and 2 in your textbook and begin formulating your project ideas. Have a safe and healthy weekend, Dr. Goshe

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